Today I am going to try to put up my promised video on why you can’t compare Islamic patriarchy with Western patriarchy, but first, I have a book link for you, and a wonderful new blogger!
A reader named Daniel Alman would really like me to share with you his book on Obama’s corruption and lawbreaking. Full disclosure: I haven’t read the book, and likely won’t. I’m not endorsing it, or promising you it’s fantastic. I’m just doing a regular reader a favor.
And now, for the main attraction: I received an email from a young woman, just 17 years old, and she shared with me a link to her blog, called BananaCreamMongrel. This chick is awesome! I absolutely adore her snarky, bitchy, utterly sincere disgust for fiction posing as fact. With her permission, I’m reprinting her post absolutely shredding domestic violence ‘facts’ in the UK. You’ll love BananaCreamMongrel. You can follow her on Twitter here.
OK. I’m angry. (What a surprise). It all started with one little tweet.
The pic reads:
“One in four women in England and Wales is abused during her lifetime with one in nine severely physically abused each year. Two women are killed every week on average by a current or former partner. Figures from the Office for National Statistics in 2015 revealed that 1.4 million women had experienced domestic abuse in the past year.
These statistics should force us to confront the ugly truth – domestic abuse is perpetrated by the guy next to you in the coffee queue, the man in the next cubicle at work, the old friend you’ve known for years.”
Except… NO IT DOESN’T. Even if the stats were accurate and reliable (which we’ll come onto in a minute, oh don’t you worry) it still doesn’t mean that all the random men that a women will come across in her life are PERPETUATING ABUSE. Having a penis doesn’t equate to perpetuating abuse.
It’s a fear mongering radical nonsensical leap of logic that a lot of “feminists” make and not only is it ANNOYING AS FUCK, it is also really harmful and dangerous.
Let me elaborate my little munchkins…
Domestic abuse, physical abuse, harassment, KILLING, are all horrible HORRIBLE FUCKING DISGUSTING things for anyone to be a victim of. Suggesting that ordinary women, on a very regular basis are exposed to these things, and all men perpetuate this behaviour, not only demonises all men, it belittles the severity, the awfulness, the disgusting nature of this behaviour. By making these issues something that “all women face” you’re taking away from the victim. You’re suggesting that her experience isn’t unique, and thus her suffering isn’t as big of deal… because look mate, all women experience this shit daily.
BUT… We don’t. “The statistics though they sho”—THE STATS?! All the stats you used are complete and utter horseshit!! OK… I’m exaggerating, but ummmm… LET’S DELVE IN SHALL WE!
“One in four women in England and Wales is abused during her lifetime” WHERE IS THIS STAT FROM? “One in nine severely physically abused each year” WHERE IS THIS STAT FROM? “Two women are killed every week on average by a current or former partner.” WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS STAT FROM?
Well the link in the tweet is to this article on the telegraph.
It’s a nonsense article about Johnny Depp and his wife divorcing and how everyone was victim blaming or whatever — typical bullshit like… whatever. Read it for yourself if you want to KYS.
(TURNS OUT, this is the chick, Laura Bates, who made the ridiculous claim that every rando dude you come across is perpetuating domestic abuse bollocks. )
To be fair to her, she links her stats. SO I CLICKED. It takes me to and at the bottom :
Uhhhh… no link to the source of this data. Maybe it’s in the pink link? Let’s take a look…
Yeah… nothing.
SO I uhhh… well searched for about 3 fucking hours. (It wasn’t worth it).
The video speed is VERY OBVIOUSLY SPED UP. Oh and yeah this is just for the 1 in 4 stat. I WORK HARD FOR THIS SHIT.
The one in four statistic apparently comes from a study done by the European council in 2002. Maybe I’m fucking retarded? I can’t find that study. Also… 2002 (in case you hadn’t realised its 2016). The one in nine statistic… comes from a study about childhood sexual abuse in England, I think, as that’s all I can FUCKING find! “Approximately one out of nine women in England reports childhood sexual abuse, which is more than double the rate for men, and women with such histories are ten times more likely to experience further sexual abuse as adults (Bebbington et al., 2011).” Last but not least the killing statistic is, I think, is from this article on the charmingly named website Women’s agenda. According to this article, 13 Australian women have been killed as a result of domestic violence in the first seven weeks of 2015 which amounts to 2 a week.
Now if you’re a sexist vagina hater like myself (sarcasm) you would think to yourself… hmmmmh, maybe that was just a peak in the first seven weeks of 2015. Perhaps?
NO! Apparently this is “not an anomaly. It is in line with a well-documented trend of domestic violence incidents and homicides increasing steadily in recent decades in Australia.” Is that a link you see! FINALLY SOME REFERENCES! CLICK CLICK CLICK…
So basically people don’t know how to reference, and there is no real way of knowing what stats the telegraph lady and the refuge site are banging on about because they don’t let us know. WHOOPDEE FUCKING WHOOP.
Wait! You exclaim. There’s one more stat you missed out you NOOB!
FUCK YOU! You can call me misogynistic bananacream bastard mongrel cunt but HOW DARE YOU call me a noob. I’m no noob.
“1.4 million women had experienced domestic abuse in the past year.” Now for this stat, the telegraph lady links a guardian article (what?), and the same stat on this article links me to this another guardian website, which is absolutely useless So I did some deep internet research, some real hardcore digging (google). So I google and find the ACTUAL SOURCE (why is it so hard to find where shit comes from seriously did you not do A level coursework? Reference properly JESUS) which is right here:
This stat I can’t dispute. 8.5% of women reported having experienced any type of domestic abuse and this equates to 1.4 million. This is from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), which is an awfully reliable source of statistics, so you know, credit where credit is due.
I was like yeah fair enough, fair enough, but then… I thought to myself… hmmmmh. DOMESTIC ABUSE. hmmmmh. Now being the prejudiced straight cis-gendered piece of shit that I am, when I see domestic abuse, I think husband hitting wife. Not necessarily the case though is it?
“Domestic abuse: this category combines partner abuse (non-sexual), family abuse (non-sexual) and sexual assault or stalking carried out by a current or former partner or other family member. This broadly matches the Government’s definition of domestic violence and abuse[2].” From the ONS document.
Firstly partner can be male or female or someone who is gender-fluid (JS that’s how some people define themselves OK). Secondly it can refer to family abuse, so a father, an uncle, a brother, OR a sister, a mother, an aunt, even your grandma. So while this stat is very reliable, and does indicate that there is large number of women who encounter domestic abuse, IT DOESN’T INDICATE THAT ALL ABUSERS ARE MEN, and therefore the dude behind you in the coffee shop doesn’t necessarily beat his wife at home JUST BECAUSE HE HAS A DICK. JS.
At the end of the day, this is just one badly written article, you may be thinking to yourself. There MUST be some well written good hard piece of evidence that leads to the reasonable conclusion that all men wanna hit their bitches yada yada yada… Well I’m very sorry to say that… NOPE. This is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. I have been annoyed about this for a long LONG LONG time (ok like 3 years but I’m only 17 so gimme a break m8) and these logical leaps are just… FUCKING RIDICULOUS.
What is the root cause of domestic abuse? What is the root cause of sexual abuse? What is the root cause of physical abuse? Is it sexist bigoted men EVERY SINGLE TIME? Maybe there are one or two CRAZY MISOGYNISTIC BASTARDS out there raping and hitting women. However, I think individual cases, each have their own individual unique root cause, and these issues should be tackled in a nuanced manner, by providing support to the victim, therapy and all that jazz, most certainly not by making bold brash crass fearmongering statements.
I don’t live in a constant fear of rape, and neither should you. I am a half-white girl who lives in a first world country, where having a vagina no longer makes me into a victim. There are places in this world where I would be married off by now. Where I would be a sex slave. Where stones would be thrown at my head while shoulders down I would be in a hole in the ground.
Wake up to fucking reality. We are the privileged ones. You’re using a social justice movement to fuel your self-righteousness, to fuel your victim mentality, whilst simultaneously discrediting the movement and warping its ideology.
There used to be a time when being a feminist was a good thing. Where we stood up for actual abuses of human rights. Now we complain about sexist lighters. Now it’s a movement full of shitheads.